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The Maxwell Scholarship was established to assist high school seniors from Western Washington in obtaining a higher education. For freshmen starting college during the 2025-26 academic year, scholarships will be $5,000 per year. This award has the potential to be renewed for up to an additional three years of undergraduate education based on reasonable progress toward graduation. A simple renewal application is required each year.


Scholarship eligibility is subject to the following criteria:

  1. Pursuing Post-Secondary Education at a Private College/University:
    Students must intend to seek a four-year degree at an accredited private institution which receives its fundamental support from sources other than taxes (i.e., not state funded colleges or universities)
  2. Western Washington Residency:
    A resident of Western Washington is defined as a student who has attended the last two years of high school (or homeschool) and lived in a location west of the Cascade Mountains.
  3. Standardized Test Scores:   (Optional for 2025 but highly recommended)
    Scholarships will generally be limited to entering freshmen, with combined math and reading/writing SAT scores of 1200 or higher (or ACT composite scores of over 26). The Trustees of the Foundation, at their discretion, may consider students with lower scores.


The application form is only available online.

Application Deadline: May 09, 2025

  1. Create a Maxwell Foundation account.
    • Go to and click “Apply Now”.
    • Register with an email address you check regularly.
    • The system will direct you to the student profile page. Once this page is completed, you may begin the application process.
  2. The application requires the following materials to be uploaded along with the application:
    • Extracurricular, Personal and Volunteer Activities (Please use the format provided with the application form)
    • Work Experience
    • The applicant’s essay of not more than 500 words
    • Save these materials as a PDF file
  3. Applications do not have to be completed in one session. Applicants may save entered information and return later. Be sure to click “save draft” before leaving the page.
  4. Complete and electronically submit the application by May 9, 2025.
  5. The Foundation will send an email confirming your application was received. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact us at


In addition to the application, it is the student’s responsibility to submit the following supplemental materials to The Foundation by May 23, 2025.

  1. High School Transcripts
    Official high school transcript (including first quarter/semester Senior year grades) may be submitted by mail, email OR electronically. 
    • Mail to:
      The Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation
      PO Box 55548
      Seattle, WA 98155   OR
    • Delivered electronically through Parchment ( When ordering transcripts, select “electronic delivery” and direct them to be delivered to
    • Transcripts may also be emailed by the student’s high school college counselor, principal or vice principal to the Foundation at
    • The Foundation will upload and attach transcripts to the student’s application as they are received.
    • Uploaded transcripts will be viewable under the “My Application” tab in your account.
  2. SAT/ACT Score Report (Optional but highly recommended for 2025-26 school year)
    If you are submitting scores: SAT/ACT scores must be verified by providing The Foundation with a score report. Choose one of the following delivery methods: (screenshots are not accepted)
    • Reported directly on the student’s official high school transcripts by a school staff member
    • Delivered to the Foundation directly by the College Board or ACT. When ordering score reports, please select “electronic delivery”. Paper reports may not be delivered before the deadline.
      • Use the Foundation’s institutional codes for prompt delivery:
      • College Board – 6697
      • ACT – 7900 (Please search by using this code for best results, searching by our name does not always work.)
    • Some applicants may qualify for a score report fee waiver from the College Board. Please visit here for more information.
    • Once the score report has been received, your SAT/ACT status will be verified. You can confirm this under the “My Application” tab of your account.
    • If you do not have SAT/ACT scores to report, please put "N/A" in the SAT/ACT field on your application.


  1. Students must reapply to the Foundation to renew their scholarship using the scholarship renewal form available online renewal form each year they are attending college for a total of up to four academic years.
  2. Scholarship renewals are subject to the student meeting all eligibility requirements.
  3. The recipient is expected to maintain personal performance consistent with the original award criteria and satisfactory academic performance.


  1. The Maxwell scholarship is designed to assist outstanding students with a portion of their cost of education. Other sources of financial aid may be received.
  2. The Edmund F Maxwell Foundation scholarship is not intended to replace grants or scholarships otherwise available to the student from the scholar’s college but may be used to replace work/study or need-based loans.
  3. A small number of colleges reduce the amount of their financial aid after the student’s freshman year if outside scholarships are obtained. The Maxwell scholarship may not be available at colleges or universities with such a policy known to The Foundation.
  4. Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the educational institution which the scholarship recipient will be attending.
  5. The Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation does not to discriminate in the awarding of any scholarship on the basis of race, religion, gender identity, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.
  6. If you qualify for any need-based aid, getting an outside scholarship can sometimes reduce the amount of financial aid you receive from your college. We encourage you to discuss this with your financial aid advisor to determine whether receiving our scholarship will affect your financial circumstances.